How Electromagnetic is Using AI (And How You Can, Too!)

Explore AI's impact on content creation—ideation, scalability, and ethical considerations. Unlock the future of digital storytelling with Electromagnetic!

February 13, 2024

What’s next? Artificial Intelligence, naturally...

See what we did there? OK, so let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Over the last year, there has been huge hype about Artificial Intelligence. Like, a lot of hype.

Just as the Industrial Revolution sparked concerns over job loss due to mechanization, the AI revolution has stirred similar fears about the future of human productivity and creativity. 

History has proved that while technology does indeed transform the workforce landscape, it also boosts efficiency and innovation. So, what does that mean for you, Mr. Copywriter? And what about you, Ms. Brand Strategist?

Let’s get into it.

How Electromagnetic Marketing Uses AI for Content Creation/Ideation:

In a lot of different industries today, there is a trend where companies simply feed one-sentence prompts into platforms like ChatGPT and use whatever output they receive as their final content.

Makes sense — it’s fast and easy, right? Sure, but also boooooooring

At Electromagnetic, we use AI primarily as a tool within our creative process to spark new ideas and directions we might not have considered otherwise. Practically speaking, we engage with AI more interactively, posing questions and challenging it with creative prompts that serve as springboards for our human creativity. It’s cool. It’s mostly helpful. And we’d recommend using it whenever you need a different perspective. 

When we sit down to craft something like this blog post, for example, tons of concepts come up from both our team and the AI of choice. It’s super cool. Then, we can employ critical thinking to filter the thoughts down to the most interesting and impactful messages before executing content for our clients. 

The key here is that while AI contributes to the ideation phase, human expertise drives the final decision-making process.

Now, we do use AI for content creation — just not in the way you might think. Rather than feeding a quick prompt and outsourcing the whole idea, we use AI in ways that maintain an authentic connection with the brand being represented.

Let’s look at…

Behind-the-Scenes: Creating a Digital Avatar

Some of you may have encountered our digital avatar across social platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn without even realizing it’s not altogether “real.”

A few months back, we launched a series focused on Google Analytics 4 and its implications in replacing Universal Analytics. Michael, our expert web developer, presented those insights. Or did he?

The answer is, “yes”, but also, “kind of no…” Hmmm. 

What we actually did was utilize AI to create a digital avatar representing Michael visually and sonically through advanced text-to-speech technology.

By combining these two facets — a visual digital avatar with digitally recreated voice acting — we were able to craft an artificial being that could deliver content effectively while maintaining consistency in brand representation across various mediums.

This is, like, real-life futuristic mumbo jumbo stuff no one could have even dreamed up a few years ago. 

But the exercise wasn't just about novelty; it showcased how we can leverage existing written content by Michael and transform it into a digestible five-part social media series using AI tools, thus freeing up Michael to continue serving our clients with his big, human brain.

This is just one example of how using AI can make content more accessible while also demonstrating scalable and repeatable methods for distributing information both strategically and efficiently.

Re-read that last sentence. Talk about real-life futuristic mumbo jumbo!

If an AI avatar is something that might be beneficial for your brand’s online presence or even within your own company’s internal communications, get in touch with us. We can help!

Ethical Implications and Considerations

The ethical implications of creating content with artificial intelligence tools are complex and multifaceted.

That sounded like AI wrote that, but it was us. Promise.

Anyway, while we embrace AI in our ideation process — using it to flesh out ideas or explore different paths — we recognize potential pitfalls in relying on it too heavily for content generation.

One major ethical consideration is outsourcing creativity entirely to machines. It risks diluting brand authenticity, which goes against one of our core values at Electromagnetic: being authentic.

Throwing prompts at an AI can be entertaining — like asking it to reimagine 'Back to the Future' as a Shakespearean comedy — but when it comes down to creating branded content that represents who we are and what we stand for, taking shortcuts through generative AI isn't acceptable. Not to us, anyway. 

AI-generated content can sometimes stray from truthfulness; not intentionally deceiving, but limited by its available data set leading to biases or inaccuracies — an inherent flaw from inception. While an argument could be made about its unbiased nature due to a lack of personal sentiments, this ignores its limitations rooted in incomplete information access resulting in inherent bias regardless.

We're cautious about navigating these waters because ethically speaking, there is still so much uncharted. Raising questions about authorship, authenticity, and reliability among others.

Balancing Creativity and Automation in Content Generation.

We've touched on this already, but delving a bit deeper… 

Automation serves us best when handling repetitive tasks that don't require deep creative thought.

This isn’t too dissimilar from the Industrial Revolution — just as machinery revolutionized manual labor by increasing productivity (without compromising quality), today's AIs offer similar advantages.

That said, we will always work to ensure that our final deliverables retain our “personal touch.” Fully Generated AI Content vs. Human Writers: Can AI-Generated Content Rank As Well As Human Writers on Google?

According to Google, whether content has been generated by AI or not has no impact on its ranking. Google focuses its ranking systems on rewarding quality.

Google measures quality based on what they call E-E-A-T. E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. Google’s objective is for content creators to provide “helpful, reliable, people-first content” to the reader or viewer.

Currently, content fully generated by AI can be helpful and reliable if the information it displays can be proven accurate, but  AI simply can’t replace human writers in writing “people-first,” creative, personalized content.

Human writers have creativity and empathy — two skill sets that artificial intelligence can’t replicate. Human writers create content using an understanding of their audience in the moment and creativity that makes content more… Human.

AI regurgitates information, not emotion. These limitations make the content fully generated by AI repetitive, stale, emotionless, robotic, and sometimes even inaccurate.

At Electromagnetic Marketing, we use AI as a springboard for ideas in our writing, but never to create a final, written product.

Benefits And Challenges:

Benefits of Integrating AI Tools Into Your Content Strategy

Two words come to mind when we think about the benefits of integrating AI into a content strategy: ideation and scalability.


Tools like ChatGPT can be a content creator’s greatest ally against writer’s block. When you’re running out of ideas, starting can be the hardest part. Using ChatGPT, writers can simply begin writing prompts around a subject, including different styles of writing. It’s phenomenal. 

Writers can also use it as a literal virtual assistant. Instead of using single prompts, we can create entire conversations. The more data we provide ChatGPT (or any other LLM), the more it will be able to help us in formulating OUR new ideas.

When those ideas have been formed, LLMs like ChatGPT are also experts at organizing information — an outline, for example.

Don’t know what the term “LLM” means? Find our guide to AI terminology here.


As human content creators, we can only be in one place at any given time. If I am in front of a camera, for example, the time it takes for me to record a video comes at the opportunity cost of writing content, creating ads, or developing websites.

That’s why the use of A.I. digital avatars and digitally created voice acting can be so valuable. Those digital avatars allow our video team to create full videos narrated by me without the hours of me stepping in front of a camera or a sound booth. This makes video SEO and building a YouTube presence much more scalable than ever before.

Challenges of Integrating AI Tools Into Your Content Strategy

If you don’t put processes and policies around integrating AI into your content strategy, it’s super easy to fall down the slippery slope of relying too heavily on AI.

Dull Content:

Let’s face it, it’s almost too easy to give ChatGPT a prompt to write a blog about “the features and benefits of natural dog food” and then watch as it quickly spits out an encyclopedia’s worth of boring information. Sure, if you do that, you can write a lot of content, but your audience will almost as quickly learn that you are an insensitive jerk who cares very little about their Labradoodle’s stomach issues.

I digress.

High Plagiarism Risks: 

Relying too heavily on AI can also put you at risk of plagiarism. The data A.I. uses comes from content that other people have written or created, and though using A.I. in and of itself isn’t plagiarism, sometimes the “assistant” can make a mistake and regurgitate something word-for-word.

If you plan to use A.I. in your content strategy, we strongly recommend implementing processes and policies that apply to all of your content creators. That’s the only way you can continue to ensure ideas are fresh, new, and original.

OK, so what’d we learn? Here’s a quick recap:

We’d love to share more thoughts, ideas, and research surrounding AI with you and your team. Hit us up if you’d like to chat… and I don’t mean the GPT kind. 

Strategic Development

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The Ignition.

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Your website is where visitors become customers. We build and optimize it to make sure you're seen by the right people, at the right time. We design and maintain websites that are built for conversion. We then implement long-term SEO strategies to keep your content fresh and increase your search rankings and connect with your target audience.

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