How SEO Strategy Increased Medical Business Management’s Monthly Traffic by 557%

We began working with Medical Business Management in August 2017. Our goals were to organically increase both traffic to the website and to transform it into a lead generation tool. See how Electro increased MBM’s monthly traffic by 557% in 2 years!

Challenge Accepted...


Increase in traffic in 1 year


Increase in traffic in 2 years


Increase in monthly incoming qualified leads

Client Testimonial

The Challenge

When we began working with Medical Business Management Services in 2017, their goal was to grow organically, and transform their website into a lead generation tool. We audited their website, and they were receiving around 1,100 sessions per month, with 900 coming from organic search. 

At the time they only had one blog that drove more than 100 users or sessions on the website, and that blog drove 33.97% of all traffic to their website at the time.

We knew we could do better.

The Solution

We initially evaluated the current website layout and created a strategy for monthly blog posts.  As we executed on the blog posts, we began sending out a quarterly newsletter utilizing the content we were creating on a monthly basis.  We also utilized LinkedIn to share these blog posts as they were posted on the website.  

The next step once traffic began increasing to the site, was to update the calls to action to a more prominent position.  Our team performed a site audit, recommended some changes to the basic site layout, and then added some calls to action.  These calls to action also included a strategy to use gated content (downloadables?) to gather email addresses.  

The first download implemented was the Anesthesia Revenue Calculator.  We immediately discovered that people were willing to provide an email address in order to gain access and input their information into this calculator.  While a lot of these inputs were incomplete, it provided a way for MBM to follow up with the client and truly help them calculate their revenue and see where MBM could help them improve.  They now average 40 emails per month generated from this calculator.

Our next step was to integrate a download article with information to help anesthesiologists increase their revenue.  We created  “ The Top 9 Things you need to know about anesthesia revenue cycle management”  and added it as gated content to the website.  We also created a pop up for the home page that calls visitors’ attention to the availability of this content.  They now average 12 emails per month from this piece of content.  

A huge part of this strategy has been pure content marketing.  We work with the client to produce content that is valuable to anesthesia practices and focuses on billing changes, new policies, and procedures, increasing their revenue and the benefits of outsourcing their billing.

We believe that producing good, relevant content and getting it in front of the right audience is an outstanding strategy to organically grow your business.  This is a long term strategy that takes a multi-year commitment but produces a traffic and lead generation stream that continues to grow.

Strategies Used:

  • Consistent Blogging & Content Updates
  • Improved Calls to Action on the Website
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Advertising 
  • Gated Content Strategy & Implementation (Lead Magnets)some text
    • Anesthesia Revenue Calculator
    • White Paper- "The Top 9 Things You Need to Know About Anesthesia Revenue Cycle Management"

The Results

Within 12 months of our strategies being implemented, visits to the website had increased by 352%, from 1,101 sessions to 4,974 sessions. Within 24 months, visits to the website increased to 7,237 sessions, a 557% increase from where we started!

Website leads had also increased from around 8 per month to 50+ per month, a 625% increase. 

By providing quality content that resonated with the right audience, we increased traffic volume by 557%, and transformed Medical Business Management’s website into a valuable sales tool.


  • Increased website traffic - 557% increase in 24 months
  • Increased web leads - from 8 per month to 50+ per month (625% increase)

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